Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dec. 18, 2011


Our Christmas banquet will be THIS FRIDAY, starting at 6pm!
If you're coming but haven't paid yet, you can pay your $20 at the door on Friday.

Poiema Winter Retreat
We're going to Fair Havens from December 28-30 (Wed-Fri), with the cost being $75.
The theme is "What Does God Really Think of Me?", with guest speaker Jim Christie.

Membership Class for the 93's
This is for those who have been baptized or confirmed in Hi-C.
It'll be on Dec. 31st (so THIS SATURDAY) from 11am - noon.

Wednesdays in the Word
The bible study continues this week from 7:20 - 8:45pm.
Still going through the book of Mark.


Our Saturday morning prayer continues this week, starting at 10am.
We meet in choir room B.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dec. 11, 2011

Today's message:

Message series - What Will Hold Us Together?
Scripture verse: 1 Corinthians 7:17-35
Title: Pt. 9 - Our Humility
Spoken by Pastor Chang Cho

Download MP3

Our Christmas banquet will be on Fri. December 23rd (that's NEXT FRIDAY) starting at 6pm.
Registration has started (this Sunday), and the cost is $20.

Poiema Winter Retreat
We're going to Fair Havens from December 28-30, with the cost being $75.
The theme is "What Does God Really Think of Me?", with guest speaker Jim Christie.

Wednesdays in the Word
The bible study continues this week from 7:20 - 8:45pm.
They're still going through the book of Mark.


Our Saturday morning prayer continues this week, starting at 10am.
We meet in choir room B.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 4th Sermon Discussion and Questions

Series: What Will Hold Us Together
Sermon: All for God's Glory (1 Cor 7:1-16)

Summary: As one loved and redeemed by God, you are to live for Him. And since God redeemed not just a part of you but all of you, every aspect of your life is now sacred - able to give glory to God (1 Cor 10:31). This includes your desire for love and marriage. You can take this desire in your own hands or you can surrender it to the author of love and the creator of marriage. God has commanded that believers must marry believers. This isn't an arbitrary rule, nor is it meant to be a moral code we just have to follow. This command was given for our good - for without it, there would be a loss of intimacy. A believer marrying a believer means every significant area of their lives overlap (and there is no area of life more significant to a christian then their relationship with God). This is the foundation for intimacy. On the other hand, a believer marrying an unbeliever means that the most significant area of life for the believer (their relationship with God) can never be shared. Furthermore, the unbelieving spouse would have his or her own god (maybe the god of another faith or the god of money, materialism, success etc.). Whatever the case may be, the God of the bible has already set himself against all other gods vying for the allegiance of our hearts. How can a marriage and family stand when husband and wife, father and mother serve gods who are at war with one another?

1.How open are you to dating a non-christian (honestly)? Why or why not?
2. Do you believe that true intimacy is possible only between a christian and a non-christian?
3. Do you agree that in order for you to be involved with a person of a different faith, you need to compromise the biblical definition of marriage (Gen 2:24) and conversion (Col 3:1-4).
(ie you have to make marriage less than what it is and make what it means to be a christian less than what it is)
4. Our culture says that love is about happiness, romance, and feeling.  Our faith says that marriage is about holiness, faithfulness, and character transformation.  To which do you gravitate?
5. Where did marriage come from? And why does this matter?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dec. 4, 2011

The sermon spoken today:

Current message series - What Will Hold Us Together?
Scripture verse: 1 Corinthians 7: 1-16
Title: Pt. 8 - All for God's Glory
Spoken by Pastor Chang Cho

Download MP3

Membership Class
The next one will be on Dec. 13th at 7pm.
If you're at church, it'll be a brown form you need to fill out then drop off in the EM drop box.

Our annual Christmas banquet is coming up!!
It will be on Dec. 23rd, starting at around 7pm. More details will come later.

Poiema Winter Retreat
Be sure to save the dates of Dec. 28-30.
The theme will be "What Does God Really Think of Me?", with guest speaker Jim Christie.
Cost is $75, so register when you can!

Our Saturday morning prayer continues, starting at 10am. We meet in choir room B.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

November 27 Sermon Summary and Discussion Questions

Sermon Series: What Will Hold Us Together
Sermon: Our Purity Part II (I Corinthians 6:12-20)

Summary: Purity means to be made of one thing. To give God glory is the one thing we're called to live for with all that we are. This means we can't compartmentalize our lives and give what is convenient to God, withholding what we want. Christ demands all of us - including our bodies. Being a christian means that food, sleep, speech, sex, (the things we do with our bodies) are to be consecrated to Him as well. This is only possible when we realize 1. that our bodies were given not to satisfy its cravings but to glorify God and 2. that Christ set us free not so that we'll do anything we want but so that we will live out our true purpose - which is to glorify him through purity of devotion.  Our bodies are not just a shell to be used in whatever way we wish. What we do with our bodies registers in our spirit. Therefore let us honour God with our bodies.

Discussion Questions.

1. What new teaching in the sermon impacted you? Why?
2. What are the ways we separate our physical life from our spiritual life?
3. 1 Cor 10:31 says "Whether you eat for drink, do it all for the glory of God." How can eating and drinking glorify God? How can eating and drinking be sinful?
4. Our culture views sexual purity as nonsense. How do you feel about sexual purity - both in deed and thought? Why is it important to be sexually pure?